Wild Republic Switch-A-Rooz Review & Giveaway #SwitchARooz #ad #giveaway

New from Wild Republic, Switch-A-Rooz are a new series of friends who's goal is to help solve everyday challenges. Each cuddly Switch-A-Rooz character has a unique personality and an inner strength to share.

Teenie and her new friend Barley doing schoolwork

Fresh from the "Land of Rooz," These adorable stuffies come in twos! These friends are unique because they are two friends in one, meaning that they are reversible!
Rocky and Oats, Rocky and Barley, Rex and Oats

Each Switch-a-Rooz and their BFFs (Best Friends Forever) come from The Land of Rooz, which is home to both realistic and fantasy animals of all colors and species. They know that learning to embrace each other’s differences isn’t always easy, so Switch-A-Rooz and their BFFs want to help spread the messages of friendship and acceptance, both inside and out.  Because each animal has a different set of strengths and skills, they show that together, they can do just about anything!

Sonshine and Rex clowning around!
Check out our video!

You can learn more about Switch-A-Rooz by clicking any of the links above!  Then enter to win our giveaway.  Two lucky winners will be selected!

We received these items free of charge for testing and review purposes. Our views are our own and have not been influenced in any way.