Product Reviews: Adovia Mineral Skin Care Dead Sea Salt Soap

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Living in the desert can be really hard on your skin.  Greatly fluctuating temperatures from snow to bitterly cold days to harsh, dry, hot summer days...And have I mentioned that the wind pretty much blows non-stop, reeking havoc on everything it touches and leaching the moisture out of your skin.  It can be pretty brutal at times. 

So, as you can imagine, living in the desert for most of my life, has sucked the life right out of my skin. On top of that, I also have eczema, so I basically look like a walking rash with scaly snake skin.  Not only is this unattractive, it's also uncomfortable. My skin gets so dry I practically have to bathe in lotion.

When I first opened the Adovia Mineral Skin Care Dead Sea Salt Soap, the first thing I noticed was the fragrance, it smells divine! Fresh and clean, it seemed a little perfumey at first, but it was 100 degrees the day it was delivered and it sat in the hot mailbox for a couple of hours.  The packaging was simple and elegant.

Lovely packaging and scrubbing my mug.

The first time I used the Dead Sea Salt Soap, I used it only on my face.  I noticed it was lightly exfoliating, lathered well and rinsed off cleanly.  And it wasn't too perfumey and only left a light, fresh scent that I really liked.   My face didn't feel tight, like it does after using my normal soap.  So the second time I used the Dead Sea Salt Soap, I decided to use it on my whole body. I've been using it for a week now, and I have noticed a vast improvement in my skin. It isn't as dry and it was, and I no longer have to bathe in lotion, I apply it once and I'm good for the whole day.  Now, I am not one to make outrageous, bogus claims or anything, but the eczema on my arms has cleared up considerably. Honestly, I wish I would have thought to take a before and after picture.

Adovia Mineral Skin Care Dead Sea Salt Soap is infused with 100% Pure Dead Sea Salts from the Dead Sea.  Dead Sea Salt contains over 21 minerals key to skin health and beauty, including magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc and more.  This deeply moisturizing and hydrating soap is great for normal to dry skin. At $11 a bar for a daily moisturizing facial cleanser, it's a beauty bargain.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.