Today's Lesson: Thanksgiving

Most kids have a week off for Thanksgiving. If your kids are anything like my kids, they are probably already bored and looking for something to do. So here's a lesson plan that isn't only fun, but educational too!

Read Aloud Book List:
Squanto:  Friend of the Pilgrims by Clyde Robert Bulla
Friendship's First Thanksgiving by William Accorsi
The Thanksgiving Story by Alice Dagliesh

There are tons of videos on YouTube but these are some of our favorites, some are more educational than others
William Bradford:  The First Thanksgiving Animated Hero Classics (Check with your local library system before purchasing!)
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
The Mouse on the Mayflower
The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn't
History of the Holidays: History of Thanksgiving

LDS Family Fun offers free downloads to Animated Hero Classics Videos. Sign up for a free account to download the one on William Bradford.
Learn about where Thanksgiving food comes from by using a chart
For a limited time Meet Penny  has a beautifully designed Thanksgiving Printable Pack available for free for a limited time. It's great for younger kids! (check out her site, too!)

There are tons of crafts and craft ideas on the ol' interwebs, Pinterest is my go to place for great ideas and inspiration, Here are some of our favorites from around the web.
Here's a cute turkey hat that looks like lots of fun for taking Turkey Day pictures.

 Corn Craft

 Here's an easy craft for little ones.  All you need is green and yellow construction paper, glue and stale popcorn.  
Fold green paper long wise then in half again, cut long corn husks on fold.  You should end up with 2 long leaves.  Fold yellow paper in half longways, and cut a rough half corn shape.  It doesn't have to be perfect because you are going to cover it up anyways.   Glue bases of leaves together so they look like they are opening. Then glue "corn" piece on top.  Cover yellow corn with glue and the glue on popcorn.

 Turkey Paper Bag Puppets

 All you need for this easy craft is small paper lunch bags, construction paper in different colors and glue.  I cut these shapes freehand so there is no pattern. Feel free to get creative.  Cut two black circles for eyes, use the remainder to cut a rough feather like shape.  Use yellow paper to cut turkey feet and beaks, use remainder for feathers.  Use red paper to cut a little red hang down thingy. Cut feathers in different colors.   For younger kids help them arrange the pieces to make a face, and feathers. For older kids, just give them a jumble of pieces and tell them to make a turkey.  That's what I did and we got 2 different results (see photo)