Today's Lesson: Black Holes

I thought I'd change things up a bit with the format that I use for posting my lesson plans, so they are easier to understand and follow.  Remember these are just some ideas and guidelines.  Feel free to study a topic a for a day, a week or month!

Today we will be learning a bit about our universe by studying black holes. We are obsessed with the stars and sky.  I thought this would be a great lesson to teach since we have been spending so many evenings looking at the sky lately.  Pretty much because it's been too unbearably hot to go outside during the day time.  One of the perks of living in the desert besides the abundant wild life, is that we have tons of super dark sky, free from light pollution.  It gets really dark out here, we experience "advanced darkness." Perfect for stargazing!  During this time the kids like to sit and ask me a million questions about stars and how they are made (Teenie), or ponder life and our existence (Sonshine).  

Black Holes True or False
What is a Black Hole?
NASA activities
"How the Universe Works: Black Holes" question sheet

Black Holes
The Other Side of Infinity Black Holes 

Black Holes: Facts, Theory and Definition
Black Holes - Kids Know It
Black Hole Destroying A Star
Black Hole Power  Or time permitting watch the entire show on Netflix "How the Universe Works" Black Holes (Season 1 episode 2)

Printable Board Game

Select the one at the top left

Build A Black Hole Coin Bank (video is free, instructions can be purchased on Sonic Dad
Beyond Black Holes