How To Use My Unit Study Lesson Plans

I just realized how confusing a unit study can be.  I had a friend today remark that I haven't posted on my blog lately.  It's not that I forgot about my blog or that I am too busy to post, but because we are still studying the last topic I posted.  When using unit studies, we often study a subject until we are ready to move on to a new topic.  The lesson plans and links I provide are the actual activities that we use in our studies. Sometimes we we do more that the activities listed, so I do and update of the original lesson plan.  Do not feel that you need to follow these plans exactly, but use them as a guideline to tailor them to suit your family's needs.  

The beauty of homeschooling is that often times you can customize lessons to your child's abilities and interests, I highly recommend this because kids learn more and retain more knowledge when they are interested in what you are teaching them.  I sure wish someone would have told me this a long time ago!  I would have saved a lot of time, money and my sanity.  Also, I am aware that the lesson plans that I write do not always include all of our day's subjects. For math we use and, both are free and are great resources for practice! For reading we use and, both are great programs.  In our home we also read for fun (not for school) and discuss the books we have read.  

I think I spent too much time in the past trying to focus on curriculum and finishing everything. Not only was it boring, but it was also a waste of money.  Also a waste of time because the kids often did not retain anything I taught them and often times they would only memorize to pass a test, then forget everything the last day.  I have learned that it is important to listen to the minions, because all children have the desire and capability to learn anything!  Sometimes you just need to ask them what they want to learn about.  

--Have Fun Learning!